Men, women, anyone in between, for hazardous journey, risk of never being taken seriously again. Money, recognition, and honor only in case of success.
End the stigma around UFOs.
We do this not because it is easy, nor because it is hard, but to lay the foundation for a world in which the civilians of Earth interact openly, freely, and peacefully with the civilians of other worlds.
Seeing a UFO, a craft possibly from another world, or possibly from a breakaway civilization, either way, is one of the most profound experiences a human being can have, and yet...
If you see one, there is no one to call and no way to figure out what you saw exactly. In fact, if you tried looking into it, you would almost certainly be ridiculed for your trouble.
The best you can do is fill out a long form on a UFO reporting website and let it go.
Conversely, we see that many people actually want to know about life beyond that of Earth. They just have trouble getting information from the authorities they depend on.
For decades people around the world have called on their leaders to disclose the truth about UFOs and for just as long these leaders have smiled and changed the subject.
And very few people who have had a sighting, regardless of whether they are civilian or from the armed forces, are willing to talk about it, out of fear of ridicule and potential career obstacles.
People who have seen UFOs long to talk about them, and people who are curious about UFOs long to ask about them, but neither take action, because they are afraid of ridicule and repercussions.
In a perfect world, they would just talk to each other, but in this world the power of ridicule and the fear of repercussions keep them apart.
How can we end the stigma around UFOs?
There are always more ways than one to accomplish anything. We’ve identified 3 paths that can lead to the end of the stigma around UFOS:
1. The first is a full-scale alien invasion. Even the most persistent UFO sceptic will have a hard time saying UFOs aren’t real when one is lasering his or her car. However, for obvious reasons this path is rather undesirable.
2. The second is official government disclosure. Once world leaders reveal the truth about UFOs, the stigma will be gone forever. However, for historical reasons this path is quite unlikely.
3. The third path is to drench the world in an abundance of incontrovertible proof of UFOs so that the concept of a UFO becomes credible. This third path is the one we choose.
Rather than wait for an alien invasion or wait for a government authority to say “UFOs are real,” then dump a mountain of blanked out papers, faded photos, and grainy videos on us to root through, we civilians choose to build our own modern repository of UFO data.
Rather than try to get old disjointed information from the government, we choose to compile new transparent information ourselves starting now.
There’s no need to wait for a mothership to land. There is no need to sift through outdated archives. UFOs are seen in our skies every day. We just need to start recording them systematically.
Let’s use our phones and pro cameras to crowdsource an enormous amount of high-quality UFO data and continually make that data available to the world until UFOs become globally accepted as real and present.
A sighting filmed by one person does not mean much these days. It could have been expertly faked on a computer by a malicious hoaxer. To combat this deception, we need sightings to be confirmed by multiple witnesses.
That’s why we provide a mobile app through which people who are seeing a UFO can immediately share the sighting with interested people nearby, so that those people can go outside and confirm that the sighting is really happening.
Now, just because multiple people are seeing something does not mean this thing is otherworldly. We need to filter actual otherworldly phenomena from initially unrecognized but otherwise known phenomena.
That’s why we encourage all witnesses to film the event from their point of view and to explain what they think they are seeing.
When none of the witnesses can give a satisfactory explanation of the sighting, we are left with a confirmed sighting of an unidentified object with multiple recordings from different angles. This is the data we want the world to examine to learn if it is in fact otherworldly.
That’s why we provide a video platform on which all recordings are stored and where all recordings of an event are stored in a related manner, so that it is easy for users to examine an event from different angles.
The Phoenix Lights event of 1997 is one of the most widely witnessed UFO events of all time. And yet, it only has a few scattered images and recordings to show for itself. Such was the state of technology in 1997. But if something on the scale of the Phoenix Lights were to occur after we launch, one person will start streaming and everyone in the city with the app will get notified.
Then all these people and their friends will go outside with their phones, binoculars, telescopes, Sony A7SII low light cameras, and what else have you, and record every angle of those“flares”and “airplanes," zoomed in and out, such that there will be an abundance of high quality research material available on the platform forever. And as more and more people publish their findings, the stigma associated with UFOs will fade away.
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